I strive to combine creative and technical skill sets in my work, leading to innovative and impactful results.

I currently make social media full-time for the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in New York City, exciting the Museum’s online audiences and aiding its unique math outreach efforts with content that is engaging, mathematically accurate, and bolstered by analytic methodologies.

In 2023, I completed my undergraduate studies at Montclair State University, graduating summa cum laude with a B.S. in Mathematics and minor in Visual Arts. As a STEM Corps Fellow in my senior year, I conducted research and data modeling for an external nonprofit alongside a close-knit team of fellow students. My continued interest in programming, data science, and machine learning finds its way into professional and personal projects alike. My tools and languages of choice include Python, R, SQL, and Tableau.

As a freelance photographer and graphic designer since 2017, I have had the pleasure of helping a diverse catalogue of clients achieve successful outcomes. Over the years, personal photography has remained both a great source of and outlet for inspiration. My image of the 2024 solar eclipse was recently featured on NBC News NOW.

Besides the aforementioned, my favorite things include laughing with friends, songwriting and music production, telling stories with exorbitant amounts of detail, lasers, road trips, pasta, dogs, and as of recently, cats, too.


© Julian Putnam 2024